From Cancer to Forever:

Celebrating Life, Health, and Unlimited Potential

From cancer diagnosis to ultimate triumph—this is my journey of resilience, grit, and living life on my terms. Discover how the Aleafia Way helped me not just survive, but thrive, and why I’m sharing this with you to inspire your own unstoppable potential.

Confidence: In Mind & Body

I want to help you catapult your confidence so high it not only transforms your business but also revolutionises your entire life.

This isn't a modest facelift; we're talking full-on metamorphosis here!

The Biochemistry of Business

We're going to explore how your cognition and hormones are not just dictating your mood, but how they're also steering the ship of your entrepreneurial journey. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, stressed, or just plain stuck, I guarantee this is a topic you won’t want to scroll past.

Unlocking Hyper-Performance:

I've always been captivated by the idea of excellence, of pushing boundaries and exceeding expectations. But in my journey, I've realised there's a realm even beyond excellence, a apex called 'Hyper-Performance'.

Building a business that fits you

I know that creating a business that is not aligned with your personal vision can be tough and I say this based on lived experience from previous roles, acting in fast-paced COO roles for huge businesses, as well as seeing this dichotomy of direction from some of the experts that I coach and mentor in their scale-up efforts. I've been in many businesses that have had a big vision - but if that vision doesn't fit the person/people that are running it then you hit roadblocks.

Feeling the LOVE!

Studies have shown that physical touch, such as holding hands, hugging, and massaging, can release oxytocin, the hormone associated with bonding, trust, and attachment. Oxytocin has a calming effect on the body and can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. This is why a simple hug from a loved one can make all the difference when you're feeling down.

Bring Something New to the Market

When you are bringing a new product, service or offering to market you have to be mindful of the existing space you are entering, what are the expectations and how you want to be perceived by the intended ideal consumer.

Don’t Fall In Love With The Deal;

When you are doing your due diligence, remember that a deal is only a good deal at the right price! From an initial look at the recent potential purchase we were assessing, the price - initially - all looked good, but upon further due diligence - which is something that I drill into my wellness business mentoring clients - it transpired that the price was pretty much based on what the seller ‘wanted’ and there were not many facts to back up the asking price.

How To Make Yourself Valuable

When starting out in business it can be all too easy to look at those who are further ahead and wish to be in their situation.

But, what you need to understand is those people / influencers / competitors / business icons are most likely in a position of being aspirational to you because of the value that they bring. So, if you are looking to scale, the question you need to ask yourself is ‘how do I deliver more value?’

Why You Need A Vision And Mission.

Having a strong vision and mission is imperative for your business to succeed, failing to have this is like going on a journey with no map… you’ll never get to the destination as you don’t actually know where you are trying to get to!

I know this probably sounds simple to a lot of my followers, who are established business owners, but when you are starting out, a lack of this sort of insight can trip you up.

Behind the Entrepreneur

“I like to think of myself as a tree, I will stand tall and strong with my roots firmly in the ground to support the growth of others. I have grown strong branches, and each of those branches become that support for my clients to grow, and they do the same onwards.” - Lauren Lepley-Caldon

How to be a Good Coachee

Do you want to be a better coach or coachee? Do you need help in this area? Feel like the journey is not easy, but worth it? I've been there. It's hard work and takes dedication. You have to keep your eye on the prize, which means being relentless about what matters most to you personally and professionally. If this sounds like something that interests you then read more below!


Fun fact, did you know that the phrase 'work hard, play hard' can be traced back to 1884 in Wisconsin, when it was used as a slogan for the local college. Now it's a very common phrase that we've probably all said or heard at some point in our lives, talk about a successful marketing ploy!

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