Behind the Entrepreneur
Behind the Entrepreneur
“I like to think of myself as a tree, I will stand tall and strong with my roots firmly in the ground to support the growth of others. I have grown strong branches, and each of those branches become that support for my clients to grow, and they do the same onwards.” - Lauren Lepley-Caldon
I'm sure we've all done this at some point in our lives. You're sitting on the bus or train, reading a book and suddenly you get that feeling of inspiration: I should start my own business! The problem is, where do you start? Business plans can be daunting to start, so here’s my experience in order for you to be familiar with the process.
I have had countless jobs. I experienced being a barmaid, a waitress, a wedding dress shop assistant, a branded content producer, a car salesperson, even jobs in the fashion and music which I thought I wanted, you get the gist. I’ve had jobs in several fields of work, but it didn’t feel like THE one.
I did not plan to have a business, much less a health and wellness centered one. I actually planned to be in the ‘film’ side of the world which explains why I went to a university studying film, which I unfortunately left due to health circumstances, but it gave me an opportunity.
To give you a little insight about my personal life which ultimately led me to my profession today, here’s a short life summary. I have experienced certain events in her life that have caused me trauma-- from sexual abuse, to struggling with mental illness at the age of 19 and being admitted into hospital for a period of time with depression struggles and eating disorder. Being admitted there, I learned things that I didn’t want to learn. I realized I didn’t like traditional medicine. Basically, this is where my passion towards wellness started.
When I was discharged, I refused my medication. I didn't go back from my outpatient sessions. I didn't do group CBT. I decided, “You know what, the only one that's going to solve this is me. I am in control of who I am, what I do and how I be”. And so, I took the reins and started to focus on healing and getting to know myself.
That situation gave me an opportunity and an idea of what I really wanted to do with my life. My purpose. My passion. To teach others what I can do and give them a chance to make changes in themselves, like I was given.
I took the leap towards it.
It's all about that, that path, that path that we choose where we come to a junction. And each time we do that, each time we come to a struggle, each time we feel uncomfortable, we feel like we can't go on. But it's that small step that we can take over that line. That was where the magic happens, which is where we are actually in control. We have two options. When we feel uncomfortable, when we struggle, we either take a step back and stay where we’re at, or we step into the unknown and get off of the line that's holding us back. Once we take that step forward, that's where you grow. That's where I built my resilience from, I have managed to do that. So many times. That's something I'm very proud of. I acknowledge that in myself every day, that I'm proud of the fact that I take the opportunity to step across that line and pass on confidence. Oh, it's not so bad over here at all, you know, it's actually pretty good over here. So there have been many things that have affected me in different events in my life. But I have to say they're not all bad.
That’s one of the things you need if you want to start a business. You have to take a leap. A chance. I know that it’s scary, but you’ll need to have that courage and resilience, because trust me, not everything will go as planned. That’s why, another thing you’ll need is a partner and people you trust and care about.
Whether that's a partner in life, in business, in friendship, we all should all have that person that can be there for us like that. It's the circle where you live with them. Your day to day. Even the people you don't speak to very often, you just know that they will always be there for you.
It's those people who you need to keep in your circle. Unfortunately, there have also been people in my life, and I'm sure in everyone's life, that isn't that person. And sometimes you have to understand what boundaries are and how important they are. Maybe just put some things up and keep the people on the right side of the fence as to where you need them for your own mental clarity and strength. I think it's difficult, until you have that strong inner circle.
Starting an entrepreneurial journey is going to be a roller coaster. I've never met anyone that hasn't been on a roller coaster. There are good days and bad days. Let the bad days calm because without the bad days, you don't experience the good days. Otherwise, it's just boring and flat. Everything's a zero. Acknowledge the positives. Know your numbers. Don't ever move into an entrepreneurial life without knowing your numbers. Difficult times will come. No matter who you are, where you are, what you're doing. Whatever position you feel that you're at in life, difficult times will come, and they are different to every person. Never allow yourself to sit back and sit back into it.
My first business that I set up was in 2005, and it was a MASSIVE flop. If you are stepping into the entrepreneurial world, and you're concerned about how you're going to manage it, take it slowly. It is not a race. Take your time, don't overdo it, and structure your journey for your business at the same time as structuring your own personal journey. Because if you go all in for your business, and leave yourself trailing behind, you will suffer and when you suffer, your business is going to suffer. You know, I always say optimal health equals optimal wealth, wealth being whatever you attain it to be. But without optimal health, in all of this mind, body, everything you cannot give to your optimal levels. So don't forget yourself in your journey. Be gentle with yourself and try to work on your acceptance of where you've been.
I think it's important that we do have routine, we do understand ourselves, be conscious of where we're at, and where we want to be going and have small milestones, you know, those little steppingstones to the big goal, because each and every time you hit one of those tiny goals, celebrate it, absolutely celebrate it, because that keeps you going.
In experiencing all of that, I have finally arrived where I want to be. I own a few businesses, with plans to open a couple more, within the health and wellness space. I have a sustainable Wellness Center. It is the only one of its kind in the UK. We are fully sustainable, we are eco-friendly and we are cruelty free. We have a fitness space, a yoga studio, a plant-based cafe, a creche, and some amazing holistic treatment rooms. So it really, really is everything under one roof and lots of holistic lifestyle upgrades happen under that one roof, which is so exciting, and I’m proud of this! We also work in the same sense for corporate businesses, we have a wellness platform for businesses and run bespoke offerings. We also have a community interest company (CIC / social Enterprise) whereby we educate the youth in all thing’s health and well-being including social and environmental health. So those are my operating businesses as well as myself being a business mentor, startup strategist under The Lifestyle Business Group
For my business coaching and mentoring, I stopped working with bigger companies, because I want to help every individual that comes to me to find their purpose and to make it happen so they can go and spread the good word and the goodness that we have at their fingertips. So yes, I will carry on working with startups and entrepreneurs in the health and wellness space. For people that do good. For people that do good and want to pay it forward, set a ripple effect of impact across the globe, from Canada, Nigeria, India, Morocco and obviously, the UK.
I like to think of myself as a tree, I will stand tall and strong with my roots firmly in the ground to support the growth of others. I have grown strong branches, and each of those branches become my clients, and they do the same… the multiple effects are huge!
Doing what I love with the people around me, I do not regret anything. I am thankful for the opportunities that lead me here and opening this type of business that I have is the best decision I have ever made.
I am so grateful to be able to share a part of my journey with you. I hope that by reading this, you can also find a sustainable way of living a life that satisfies your needs and desires. And if you are ready for some more inspiration or guidance on how to achieve it, please contact me. Thanks again for taking the time out of your day to read my story.