are you ready for your next level?

Discover how to achieve peak performance and transform your business and wellbeing in 6 months

without Sacrificing Your Health, family time or sanity

The health and performance collective is a holistic 6-month coaching programme for female entrepreneurs to achieve peak performance and sustainable success without sacrificing their health and wellbeing.

Are You Overwhelmed and Running on Empty?

Many female entrepreneurs find themselves overwhelmed by the constant demands of their business. They wake up feeling anxious, their to-do list never seems to end, and they often sacrifice their personal wellbeing for the sake of their business. They try every new strategy and attend countless seminars, but still, they struggle to achieve that next level of success. If this sounds like you, you're not alone.

The common belief is that success requires constant hustle and long hours. As an entrepreneur, you might find yourself saying things like, "I'm burnt out," "I can't keep up," or "I need a break." Despite your best efforts, the cycle of stress and exhaustion continues. You’ve tried various strategies, attended numerous seminars, and yet, sustainable success remains elusive.

Here’s what many female entrepreneurs experience:

  • Endless Stress: The pressure to succeed leads to overwhelming stress and anxiety.

  • Sacrifice of Personal Health: Personal wellbeing is often neglected to keep up with business demands.

  • Ineffective Strategies: Despite trying numerous tactics and attending seminars, real results are hard to achieve.

  • Lack of Clear Direction: Without a clear, actionable plan, it’s easy to feel lost and unsure of the next steps.

  • Burnout: Constant hustle without sufficient support leads to physical and mental exhaustion.

  • Isolation: Feeling alone in the journey, without a supportive community to share struggles and successes.

There is a better way to achieve your goals without sacrificing your health and happiness.

Why Are You Struggling to Break Through?

It's not your fault that you're feeling this way. Many factors contribute to your current situation, making it difficult to break free from the cycle of stress and burnout:

  • You don’t know who to ask: Finding the right support can be challenging.

  • You fear you're the exception to the rule: Doubts and imposter syndrome can hold you back.

  • You grew up with struggle: It’s hard to believe success can come without sacrifice.

  • You’ve tried and failed before: Previous attempts didn’t bring the desired results.

  • You’re too busy to make a change: Overwhelming schedules leave little room for new approaches.

  • You feel stuck: It seems like there’s no way out of the current stress cycle.

  • You worry about money: Financial concerns add to the stress.

  • You doubt this will work for you: Scepticism about new solutions is natural.

You’re not alone in feeling this way. The common mindset that success requires constant hustle and long hours is not only outdated but also detrimental to your health and business.

The lack of holistic support and the attempt to implement fragmented strategies without prioritising self-care have been significant barriers.

Many female entrepreneurs feel in a state of constant stress, sacrifice, and burnout. It’s clear that the traditional approach to business success is not working, and it’s time for a change.

There is a better way to achieve your goals without sacrificing your health and happiness.

There is a way to break free from these challenges and thrive.

Discover The Aleafia Way:

Your Path to Sustainable Success and Wellbeing

If you’ve been struggling with stress, burnout, and an overwhelming sense of imbalance in your life and business, it’s time to discover a revolutionary approach that can transform your journey.
Introducing The Aleafia Way, a unique framework designed specifically for ambitious female entrepreneurs like you who are ready to thrive without sacrificing their health or happiness.

The Aleafia Way integrates holistic health practices with trauma-informed positive psychology, guiding you towards peak performance and optimal life success. This methodology is crafted to help you achieve full clarity, aligning your personal and professional goals in a way that adds life to your years, not just years to your life.

Aleafia: to be in the state or condition of good physical and mental health
Using my self mastery trinity - understanding, awareness & worth

Alignment to SELF is the foundation of holistic health. It involves developing a deep understanding of your own desires, needs, and values, and aligning your daily life to these core aspects. Through interventions like self-reflection exercises, guided journaling, and mindfulness practices, you can cultivate a stronger sense of self-awareness and self-worth. This alignment is crucial for making life choices that genuinely fulfil and resonate with your authentic self, setting the stage for sustainable well-being.

Achievement and satisfaction in all areas of being, habits and goals

Fostering long-term success in both personal and professional life is essential for holistic wellness. This involves setting goals that are not only achievable but also align with your deeper life purposes. Techniques such as goal-setting frameworks, regular review sessions, and success coaching are integral. These help in not only envisioning success but in creating a realistic, step-by-step plan to achieve it, ensuring that the success is balanced and enriching across all areas of your life.

Better relationships, network & support

Human connections are vital to psychological and emotional health. Empowered connections focus on building strong, supportive relationships that contribute to your resilience and happiness. To enhance this pillar, interventions might include communication skills workshops, group therapy sessions, and community-building activities, all designed to strengthen your social network and deepen your connections with those around you.

NEAT, strength, mobility

Movement is medicine for both the body and mind. This pillar emphasises the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, which can range from structured exercise programs to more gentle, mobility-enhancing practices like yoga and Tai Chi. These activities not only improve physical health but are also vital for mental health, helping to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety through the release of endorphins.

Meaning, purpose, passion, using strengths

Achieving a flow state can significantly enhance your mental acuity and overall life satisfaction. This pillar involves engaging deeply in tasks that not only challenge you but also match your skill set, promoting an immersive experience. Interventions to facilitate this state include skill-based hobbies, time management coaching, and environment optimization strategies that encourage deep focus and minimise distractions.

Managing trauma, stress, nervous system regulation

Maintaining inner balance is crucial in managing daily stress and long-term trauma impacts on the nervous system. This pillar focuses on practices that support nervous system regulation, such as trauma-informed yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques. Additionally, therapies like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Timeline Therapy can be instrumental in providing the tools needed to manage emotional and psychological challenges effectively, promoting resilience and emotional stability.

Disease prevention, improved immune system, endocrine system upgrade

The Alkaline Diet is a key component of gut health, which in turn impacts overall wellness. This dietary approach emphasises foods that help maintain a healthy pH balance in the body, supporting immune function and reducing inflammation. Nutritional advice, meal planning, and cooking classes that focus on alkaline foods (like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds) can be part of this pillar. Additionally, integrating supplements like probiotics can enhance gut health, further supporting the body's natural disease-fighting capabilities.

Using my self mastery trinity - understanding, awareness & worth

Alignment to SELF is the foundation of holistic health. It involves developing a deep understanding of your own desires, needs, and values, and aligning your daily life to these core aspects. Through interventions like self-reflection exercises, guided journaling, and mindfulness practices, you can cultivate a stronger sense of self-awareness and self-worth. This alignment is crucial for making life choices that genuinely fulfil and resonate with your authentic self, setting the stage for sustainable well-being.

Achievement and satisfaction in all areas of being, habits and goals

Fostering long-term success in both personal and professional life is essential for holistic wellness. This involves setting goals that are not only achievable but also align with your deeper life purposes. Techniques such as goal-setting frameworks, regular review sessions, and success coaching are integral. These help in not only envisioning success but in creating a realistic, step-by-step plan to achieve it, ensuring that the success is balanced and enriching across all areas of your life.

Better relationships, network & support

Human connections are vital to psychological and emotional health. Empowered connections focus on building strong, supportive relationships that contribute to your resilience and happiness. To enhance this pillar, interventions might include communication skills workshops, group therapy sessions, and community-building activities, all designed to strengthen your social network and deepen your connections with those around you.

NEAT, strength, mobility

Movement is medicine for both the body and mind. This pillar emphasises the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, which can range from structured exercise programs to more gentle, mobility-enhancing practices like yoga and Tai Chi. These activities not only improve physical health but are also vital for mental health, helping to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety through the release of endorphins.

Meaning, purpose, passion, using strengths

Achieving a flow state can significantly enhance your mental acuity and overall life satisfaction. This pillar involves engaging deeply in tasks that not only challenge you but also match your skill set, promoting an immersive experience. Interventions to facilitate this state include skill-based hobbies, time management coaching, and environment optimization strategies that encourage deep focus and minimise distractions.

Managing trauma, stress, nervous system regulation

Maintaining inner balance is crucial in managing daily stress and long-term trauma impacts on the nervous system. This pillar focuses on practices that support nervous system regulation, such as trauma-informed yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques. Additionally, therapies like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Timeline Therapy can be instrumental in providing the tools needed to manage emotional and psychological challenges effectively, promoting resilience and emotional stability.

Disease prevention, improved immune system, endocrine system upgrade

The Alkaline Diet is a key component of gut health, which in turn impacts overall wellness. This dietary approach emphasises foods that help maintain a healthy pH balance in the body, supporting immune function and reducing inflammation. Nutritional advice, meal planning, and cooking classes that focus on alkaline foods (like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds) can be part of this pillar. Additionally, integrating supplements like probiotics can enhance gut health, further supporting the body's natural disease-fighting capabilities.

The Aleafia Way is more than just a methodology

it’s a movement towards total well-being, life success, and high performance, tailored specifically to your unique needs and goals. By integrating these seven pillars into your life, you can transcend traditional barriers to health and happiness, transforming struggle and overwhelm into strength and clarity.

Embrace The Aleafia Way and redefine what it means to be healthy, successful, and completely aligned with your true self. This is your pathway to a life lived with energy, flow, and absolute happiness.

Meet Lauren, Your Guide to Holistic Success

As a certified positive psychology coach and 360 health practitioner, I specialise in helping female entrepreneurs bridge the gap between struggle and success. My journey through personal trauma, health challenges, and business ownership has equipped me with unique insights and a passion for guiding others. I founded the Health & Performance Collective to empower women to achieve their highest potential by integrating personal wellbeing with business success.

As a certified positive psychology coach and 360 health practitioner, I specialise in helping female entrepreneurs bridge the gap between struggle and success. My journey through personal trauma, health challenges, and business ownership has equipped me with unique insights and a passion for guiding others. I founded the Health & Performance Collective to empower women to achieve their highest potential by integrating personal wellbeing with business success.

As a certified positive psychology coach and 360 health practitioner, I specialise in helping female entrepreneurs bridge the gap between struggle and success. My journey through personal trauma, health challenges, and business ownership has equipped me with unique insights and a passion for guiding others. I founded the Health & Performance Collective to empower women to achieve their highest potential by integrating personal wellbeing with business success.

Transform Your Life and Business with

The Aleafia Way

Imagine waking up every day feeling refreshed and excited. You have a clear, actionable plan that seamlessly aligns your business goals with your personal wellbeing. You're supported by a community of like-minded women who understand your journey and cheer you on every step of the way. Stress becomes a thing of the past as your health improves, your productivity soars, and your business thrives.

This is not just a dream—this is the reality when you embrace the Health & Performance Collective.

What if you had:

  • More Energy: Wake up each morning feeling energised and ready to tackle the day with enthusiasm and clarity.

  • Less Stress: Experience a significant reduction in stress levels as you implement strategies that promote inner balance and resilience.

  • A Balanced Life: Achieve a harmonious balance between your professional ambitions and personal wellbeing, leading to a more fulfilling life.

  • Improved Health: Enjoy better physical and mental health through holistic practices that enhance your overall wellness.

  • Greater Productivity: With a clear plan and a supportive network, you can focus on what truly matters, boosting your productivity and efficiency.

  • A Thriving Business: Watch your business flourish as you operate from a place of alignment, purpose, and optimal performance.

  • A Supportive Community: Be part of a vibrant community of ambitious women who provide encouragement, share insights, and celebrate your successes.



Clarity and Direction

A roadmap that aligns your business goals with your personal values, ensuring every step you take is meaningful and effective.


Holistic Support

Access to expert guidance and resources that address all aspects of your wellbeing—from nutrition and fitness to mental health and emotional resilience.


Empowered Connections

Build lasting relationships with fellow entrepreneurs who inspire and uplift you, creating a network of support that fuels your growth.


The Health & Performance Collective

Achieve sustainable success and wellbeing. Perfect for ambitious female entrepreneurs ready to elevate their lives and businesses.

The Health & Performance Collective is a 6-month group coaching programme designed for female business owners. It integrates holistic health practices with performance strategies to help you achieve sustainable success. This programme is for women who want to balance their business goals with personal wellbeing and thrive in every aspect of their lives.

Hear What Some Of My Happy Customers Have To Say:


Becki Larain

- Commercial Solicitor, UK

"Lauren has really changed things for me! 2020.. what a year. For me, the year started amazingly with great prospects. March hit and all I could think of was the impact of covid on my family, plans and my career. I spent a great amount of 2020 worrying and being anxious about things that I cannot control, and also wishing for things that were or that I was looking forward to that would no longer happen. During 2020 I started working with my wellness coach, Lauren. I became interested in wellness and more importantly, I realised that I had to work with one person, myself.Lauren has taught me how to deal with and rationalise my thoughts. I have spent my whole life attaching my being and living to the good times. I chased those good times to experience happiness (festivals, gigs, shopping, holidays, family) I would wash out everything in life (eg sadness, stress, anxiety and mundane life) to cling to moments of joy. I would get through life focussing on moments of joy and ignoring everything else. Lauren helped me realise that every day is an opportunity and attaching myself to these things exacerbates the less positive things in life and that life will have ups and downs. Lauren taught me techniques to help me learn that I will have negative patterns and thoughts. Lauren also taught me mechanisms to help deal with those thoughts rather than mask or ignore them which has transformed my life to no end and I see so much positivity now. Lauren has also helped me harness my productivity and vision when it comes to my career. Lauren was so supportive and encouraging and helped me realise my short term and long term goals in business which she has helped me cultivate during my sessions. I can’t recommend Lauren enough in helping both my mindset and my career goals.”



- Yogaveda Coach, Malaga, Spain

“Very helpful and effective, great professional skills of all kinds to serve bigger and better. Lauren was just exactly who I needed to talk to.”



- Health Coach, Essex, UK

"Working with Lauren, you can guarantee an authentic and intuitive approach, I’ve been apart of coaching before, but our sessions are seriously bespoke! She is open and honest with a huge amount of experience. Every week she blows me away with her ideas, contribution into my business and consideration of me. You will feel supported and find motivation to move forward with power and confidence. My business (nor I) would be this far forward without Lauren in our lives.

Expect sessions to be high energy and full of positivity & power!"


Dr. Tanja van Huellen

- Life Coach, Berlin, Germany

“I really loved my coaching with Lauren for at least five reasons: First of all I thank you so much for listening in this professional and engaged manner leading to the exact situation where I got stuck. Secondly you made me understand: The definition of where I am at, is very different from where I thought I was; which gives me the opportunity of enhancing my success because I can concentrate on the real issue. Third: It was so helpful to talk to you, an intelligent, empathetic and experienced person that has given me the impression that my vision is absolutely achievable. The next reason I am very pleased with your way of coaching me is, that there was no feeling of pressure in the situation, it was more of a conversation that led to an outcome, insight that will be highly valuable for me using in the area of decision making, a core skill for being successful. It wasn´t hard work, more of a very interesting valuable conversation. That leads me to the fifth but not least big thank you: you were able to reconnect me with myself, the part I neglected a little bit, the part that is essential to reach my goals. I guess that came with you being so authentic. Thank you again Lauren.”


Paramjot Kaur-Kingston

- traveloutsidethebox_uk

“Making an appointment was super easy, the first session was excellent, she made me feel very comfortable and heard more about my business and gave lots of nuggets of advice especially with my account in the first hour. Lauren was polite, warm , honest and has no nonsense advice. Her approachable, likeable manner made asking questions really easy.”


Emma Wright

- Money Mindset and Wealth Strategy Coach

“Finding Lauren has been the best thing! I am hugely ambitious and I think I know what I need to do, but working with Lauren has been the most empowering and enlightening experience so far. I have worked both 121 and in her growth program and quite literally this was the best investment so far. I discovered my super power was wealth management, I was hiding from embracing this due to my fear of failure! However Lauren steered me to be bold and step into my power. She also helped me to discover a deeper meaning of wealth, through her work in well-being. This connected the dots for my mission. Being in north Devon I feel I have a hub at Aleafia that I can go to where I meet other amazing women in business, I get to workout, eat well, drink delicious vanilla matchas and work with Lauren. Thank you Lauren for coming into my life and just being amazing. Also I should add that Lauren knows about everything in business and life! What she doesn’t know probably isn’t worth knowing xx”


Louise Colome

- CEO of Country & Coastal Retreats UK

“Lauren is an inspirational coach, with patience to guide you through each step. She will help you achieve success as well as motivate you to progress. I strongly recommend joining her growth programme. I have not only benefited from her 1-1 and group tuition, I have also learnt a lot from others. She is fantastic, 100% recommend 👌”

What's Included

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Real-Time Support and Community Connection for Your Journey

Our interactive weekly group coaching calls are designed to provide continuous support and guidance as you progress through your journey. Each session focuses on key areas of health, performance, and personal growth, ensuring you have the tools and insights needed to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. These live coaching sessions are crucial because they offer real-time feedback, allowing you to address immediate concerns and adapt your strategies on the fly. Engaging with a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose, which is essential for maintaining motivation and accountability.


  • Live interaction and real-time feedback so that you can make immediate adjustments and see quicker progress in your journey.

  • Opportunity to address immediate challenges so that you stay on track and maintain momentum towards your goals.

  • Access to expert advice and guidance so that you can confidently tackle obstacles and implement effective strategies.

  • Feel supported and connected with a community of peers so that you never feel alone in your journey and can draw strength from shared experiences.

  • Increased self-awareness of body and mind beyond social expectations so that you can make informed decisions that align with your true self.

  • Boosted confidence and clarity in all areas of life so that you can approach both personal and professional challenges with a positive and empowered mindset.

Monthly Expert Workshops

Stay Ahead with Cutting-Edge Knowledge from Industry Leaders

Our monthly expert workshops are exclusive sessions led by industry leaders who bring cutting-edge knowledge and techniques to help you enhance your health and performance. These workshops cover a wide range of topics relevant to female entrepreneurs, such as stress management, productivity hacks, advanced health strategies, and personal development. The live format allows for interactive learning and immediate application of new concepts. These sessions are vital for staying up-to-date with the latest trends and practices, ensuring that you continually evolve and refine your approach to achieving both personal and professional success.


  • Access to cutting-edge knowledge and techniques so that you can apply the latest insights to enhance your health and performance.

  • Practical tips and strategies from industry leaders so that you can immediately implement what you learn and see tangible results.

  • Immediate implementation of learned skills so that you can continuously improve and stay ahead in your personal and professional life.

  • Boosts confidence in managing personal and business health so that you feel empowered to take control of your wellbeing.

  • Enhances skills and knowledge base so that you can approach challenges with a well-rounded perspective and a toolkit of effective solutions.

  • Feeling of empowerment from learning from the best so that you are motivated to strive for excellence and achieve your goals.

Exclusive Online Portal

24/7 Access to Comprehensive Resources for Continuous Growth

The exclusive online portal is a comprehensive resource hub where you can access all programme materials, training modules, workbooks, and recorded sessions at any time. This digital library is available 24/7, providing the flexibility to learn at your own pace and revisit key content whenever needed. The portal is designed to be user-friendly and is continually updated with new resources to support your ongoing growth. Having constant access to these materials ensures that you are always equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement the strategies discussed during coaching calls and workshops, reinforcing your learning and facilitating continuous improvement.


  • 24/7 access to all programme materials so that you can learn and review at your own pace, ensuring you fully understand and integrate the content.

  • Easy reference and self-paced learning so that you can revisit important concepts whenever needed, reinforcing your learning journey.

  • Comprehensive resource library so that you have all the tools and information you need at your fingertips to support your ongoing development.

  • Tools for personal growth that last a lifetime and beyond so that you can continue to evolve and thrive long after the programme ends.

  • Empowerment through self-paced learning so that you feel in control of your education and personal development.

  • Reduced anxiety from having constant access to resources so that you can approach your learning journey with confidence and peace of mind.

Quarterly In-Person Events

Deepen Learning and Strengthen Connections with Hands-On Experiences

Our quarterly in-person events are immersive experiences designed to deepen your learning and strengthen your connections within the community. These events provide opportunities for face-to-face interactions, hands-on activities, and practical application of the skills you’ve developed. Networking with fellow members and industry experts in a live setting fosters stronger community bonds and encourages collaborative learning. These events are integral to the programme as they allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, receive direct feedback, and build lasting relationships that support your journey to success.


  • Face-to-face interactions and hands-on activities so that you can build stronger, more personal connections with peers and mentors.

  • Enhanced learning through practical application so that you can experience the concepts in action, leading to deeper understanding and retention.

  • Direct access to mentors and peers so that you can gain valuable insights and feedback that propel your growth.

  • Tools for personal growth that last a lifetime and beyond so that you can continue to evolve and thrive long after the programme ends.

  • Stronger community bonds so that you feel a deeper sense of belonging and support within the collective.

  • Increased motivation and inspiration so that you are continually driven to achieve your goals and reach new heights.

  • Practical application of skills in a supportive environment so that you gain confidence in your abilities and are prepared to implement what you learn in real life.

The Health & Performance Collective offers a comprehensive programme combining weekly coaching, monthly workshops, an exclusive online portal, and quarterly in-person events.

This approach ensures holistic growth and support, addressing both personal and business needs. You’ll experience reduced stress, improved health, and greater productivity.
all while feeling supported by a like-minded community.

Screenshots of Happy Clients

Did somebody say bonuses?

Did somebody say bonuses?

Did somebody say bonuses?

Bonus 1:

Personalised Onboarding Session

Kickstart your journey with our Personalised Onboarding Session, a one-on-one coaching session designed to tailor your experience and set clear, achievable goals. This live coaching session provides a customised action plan specifically aligned with your unique needs and objectives, ensuring you have a solid foundation from day one.

Bonus 2:

Additional 1:1 Trauma Informed Sessions

Gain extra support with our Additional One-on-One Trauma Informed Sessions. These live coaching and therapy sessions offer personalised attention to address your specific challenges. By focusing on targeted problem-solving and providing a safe space for trauma release, these sessions enhance your confidence and help regulate your nervous system, promoting holistic healing and personal growth.

Bonus 2:

Additional 1:1 Trauma Informed Sessions

Gain extra support with our Additional One-on-One Trauma Informed Sessions. These live coaching and therapy sessions offer personalised attention to address your specific challenges. By focusing on targeted problem-solving and providing a safe space for trauma release, these sessions enhance your confidence and help regulate your nervous system, promoting holistic healing and personal growth.

The Health & Performance Collective

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls [VALUE £10,244]

  • Monthly Expert Workshops [VALUE £6000]

  • Exclusive Online Portal [VALUE £200]

  • Quarterly In-Person Events [VALUE £2400]

  • Bonus: Personalised Onboarding Session [VALUE £297]

  • Bonus: Additional One-on-One Trauma Informed Sessions [VALUE £297]

Total Value = £19,438/year

Today’s Price = £397/month

Is This You?

Discover If the Health & Performance Collective is Your Perfect Fit

The Health & Performance Collective is designed specifically for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.
This programme is perfect for you if:
  • You’re in Your First 1-3 Years of Business: You’re passionate about your mission but often feel overwhelmed by the demands of your business and personal life. You’re driven, values health and wellness, and seek a supportive community to help you achieve a balanced, fulfilling life.

  • You’re Feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed: Your days are filled with back-to-back meetings, constant decision-making, and a lack of clear direction. The overwhelm and burnout are starting to affect your productivity, creativity, and overall happiness.

  • You Want More Balance: You dream of waking up every day feeling energised and excited. You want a clear, actionable plan that aligns your business goals with your personal wellbeing. You seek a life where you can thrive in your business without sacrificing your health.

  • You’re Seeking Support: You crave the support of a community of like-minded women who understand your journey. You want to feel connected and supported as you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

  • You’re Ready to Invest in Yourself: You recognise the importance of personal growth and are ready to invest in your wellbeing to enhance your business performance. You understand that true success comes from aligning your personal and professional goals.

Take the Leap Towards Holistic Success

Join the Health & Performance Collective and transform your life and business.

Our unique approach integrates holistic health practices with performance strategies, ensuring you achieve sustainable success without sacrificing your wellbeing.

Now is the time to invest in yourself and unlock your true potential.
Why The Health & Performance Collective?

The Health & Performance Collective offers a revolutionary approach that addresses both your personal and professional needs. Unlike traditional business coaching, our programme focuses on holistic growth, helping you overcome burnout and inefficiency by addressing the root causes. With our tailored support, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and the skills needed to thrive.

Why Now?

There has never been a better time to take action and invest in your future. The demands of entrepreneurship are ever-increasing, and the longer you wait, the more challenging it becomes to find balance and success. By joining the Health & Performance Collective now, you’ll start your journey towards a fulfilling, balanced life where you can achieve your highest potential. Don’t wait—your transformation begins today.

This Time Will Be Different

Even if you’ve tried other programmes before and didn’t see the results you wanted, the Health & Performance Collective stands apart from the rest. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your life and business is addressed, providing you with the comprehensive tools and unwavering support needed to succeed.

  • Holistic Integration: We don’t just focus on one part of your life. Our programme integrates health, wellbeing, and business strategies to ensure you achieve balance and sustainable success.

  • Personalised Support: Unlike one-size-fits-all programmes, we tailor our approach to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that you get the most relevant and effective guidance.

  • Community Connection: You’ll be part of a supportive community of like-minded women who understand your journey and provide encouragement and accountability.

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the insights and expertise of industry leaders and experienced coaches who are dedicated to your success.

Even if you’re sceptical or unsure, give yourself the chance to experience this transformation. Many of our members felt the same way before joining, only to find that the Health & Performance Collective provided the breakthrough they needed.

Take a chance on yourself:
  • Even if you’ve faced setbacks, our approach is designed to overcome those barriers.

  • Even if you’re busy, our flexible programme fits into your schedule.

  • Even if you doubt your abilities, our supportive community and expert coaches will empower you to believe in yourself.

The Health & Performance Collective

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls [VALUE £10,244]

  • Monthly Expert Workshops [VALUE £6000]

  • Exclusive Online Portal [VALUE £200]

  • Quarterly In-Person Events [VALUE £2400]

  • Bonus: Personalised Onboarding Session [VALUE £297]

  • Bonus: Additional One-on-One Trauma Informed Sessions [VALUE £297]

Total Value = £19,438/year

Today’s Price = £397/month

Screenshots of Happy Clients

Experience a Life of Balance, Energy, and Success with the Health & Performance Collective

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and excited to start your day. No longer dragging yourself out of bed, you’re full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to embrace the opportunities ahead.
Your business runs smoothly, and you have the clarity and focus to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

This isn’t a distant dream; it’s the transformation waiting for you in the Health & Performance Collective.

Here’s what your life can look like:

  • Morning Routine: You wake up naturally, feeling rested and rejuvenated. Instead of reaching for your phone in a daze, you start your day with a purposeful routine that energises your body and mind. A few moments of mindfulness or a quick workout set the tone for a productive and fulfilling day.

  • Business Success: As you dive into your work, you find that tasks that once felt overwhelming are now manageable and even enjoyable. Your business operations are streamlined, and you have the strategic clarity to make confident decisions. Meetings are efficient, projects move forward smoothly, and you hit your goals consistently.

  • Balanced Lifestyle: You’ve mastered the art of balancing your professional ambitions with personal wellbeing. Midday, you take a break for a nutritious lunch and perhaps a short walk or some light exercise, recharging your energy levels. Your afternoons are productive, but not at the expense of your health.

  • Evening Relaxation: As the workday winds down, you transition smoothly into your personal time. Instead of being frazzled and exhausted, you feel a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. You spend quality time with loved ones, engage in hobbies, or simply unwind with a good book, free from the constant worry of unfinished tasks.

  • Weekends and Leisure: Weekends are no longer spent catching up on work or feeling guilty about taking a break. You enjoy your leisure time, knowing that you’ve earned it through efficient, focused work during the week. Whether it’s a spontaneous outing, a planned adventure, or just a relaxing day at home, you fully embrace and enjoy your downtime.

  • Physical Health: Your physical health flourishes as you integrate regular activity and a balanced diet into your life. You feel stronger, more vibrant, and more in tune with your body. The aches and pains of stress are replaced with the vitality and resilience of a well-nourished, active body.

  • Emotional Wellbeing: Emotionally, you feel more stable and resilient. The support from your community and the tools you’ve learned help you manage stress and bounce back from challenges more easily. You’re not just surviving; you’re thriving, with a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction.

  • Community Support: You’re part of a supportive network of like-minded women who inspire and uplift you. The friendships and connections you’ve made within the Health & Performance Collective provide a source of encouragement and accountability, enriching both your personal and professional life.

My commitment to your success

I am confident that the Health & Performance Collective will make a serious difference in your life and business.

That’s why we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied within the first two weeks, I’ll refund your investment.

I believe in the power of our tried, tested and proven programme, and I have seen the results and are committed to your success.

The Health & Performance Collective

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls [VALUE £10,244]

  • Monthly Expert Workshops [VALUE £6000]

  • Exclusive Online Portal [VALUE £200]

  • Quarterly In-Person Events [VALUE £2400]

  • Bonus: Personalised Onboarding Session [VALUE £297]

  • Bonus: Additional One-on-One Trauma Informed Sessions [VALUE £297]

Total Value = £19,438/year

Today’s Price = £397/month

Got Questions? I've got Answers!

How much time is required each week?

You can expect to commit 2-4 hours per week. This includes our weekly group coaching calls, monthly expert workshops, and time spent on self-paced activities. The structure is designed to provide maximum value without overwhelming your schedule. I know how tied up you are already! I’m here to ease that, not add to it!

How fast can I expect to see results?

Many members start to see positive changes within the first few weeks, such as reduced stress and improved clarity. Significant transformations in your business and personal wellbeing typically occur within 3-6 months, as you consistently apply the holistic strategies and practices we teach.

What if I don’t have a health or wellness background? Will this still work for me?

Absolutely! The Health & Performance Collective is designed for female business owners of all backgrounds, with no prior knowledge you are a perfect fit! The programme provides clear, actionable guidance and support, making it easy to integrate health and wellness practices into your daily routine, regardless of your starting point.

Is there a community with this programme?

Yes, you’ll have access to an exclusive community of like-minded female entrepreneurs. This supportive network is invaluable for sharing experiences, gaining insights, and staying motivated. Our members often form lasting connections that go beyond the programme.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied within the first two weeks, I’ll refund your investment. We believe in the power of our programme and are committed to your success.

What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?

We offer comprehensive support through weekly group coaching calls, monthly expert workshops, and additional one-on-one sessions as needed. Our dedicated community support team is also available to help you with any challenges you face, ensuring you have all the resources you need to succeed.

I’ve tried other programmes before and didn’t see results. How is this different?

The Health & Performance Collective integrates holistic health practices with performance strategies, focusing on both your personal wellbeing and business success. Unlike other programmes that may focus solely on business tactics, our approach ensures a balanced, sustainable transformation that addresses the root causes of burnout and inefficiency.

Do I need any extra equipment or software for this to work?

No extra equipment or software is required. All you need is access to the internet for our online portal and sessions. We provide all necessary materials, resources, and support through our comprehensive online platform.

Is everything available immediately or is it drip-fed?

You’ll have immediate access to our online portal with foundational resources and materials. Additional content, such as weekly group coaching calls and monthly expert workshops, is scheduled regularly to keep you engaged and on track throughout the programme.

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Don’t Miss Out on This Transformative Opportunity

This is a limited-time offer with special pricing available only to early adopters. The doors reopen and the programme re-starts soon, and spaces are filling up fast. Don’t wait to invest in your future—secure your spot in the Health & Performance Collective today and start your journey to holistic success.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life and Business?

Here’s the truth: The Health & Performance Collective is your key to unlocking a balanced, fulfilling life where your business thrives without sacrificing your wellbeing. Imagine achieving peak performance, reducing stress, and feeling more energised and focused every day.

Time is of the essence. Here’s why: The next cohort is starting soon, and spaces are limited. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs who are ready to elevate their lives and businesses.

For just £13 a day, you can invest in a future where you wake up excited and energised, knowing that your personal health and business success are perfectly aligned. That’s less than the cost of your daily coffee run to experience a transformation that will impact every aspect of your life.

Are you ready to take the leap towards holistic success? Secure your spot in the Health & Performance Collective today and start your journey to a healthier, happier, and more successful you.

The Health & Performance Collective

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls [VALUE £10,244]

  • Monthly Expert Workshops [VALUE £6000]

  • Exclusive Online Portal [VALUE £200]

  • Quarterly In-Person Events [VALUE £2400]

  • Bonus: Personalised Onboarding Session [VALUE £297]

  • Bonus: Additional One-on-One Trauma Informed Sessions [VALUE £297]

Total Value = £19,438/year

Today’s Price = £397/month